
saboted light armor penetrator造句


  1. The 50MG was developed in the 1980s by CIS to replace the obsolete Saboted Light Armor Penetrator ( SLAP ).
  2. A saboted light armor penetrator discharged from that rifle and hitting an engine block will instantly invalidated that trucks 100, 000 mile warranty .-- talk ) 13 : 09, 18 July 2016 ( UTC)
  3. Current ammunition types include M33 Ball ( 706.7 grain ) for personnel and light material targets, M17 tracer, M8 API ( 622.5 grain ), M20 API-T ( 619 grain ), and M962 SLAP-T . The latter ammunition along with the M903 SLAP ( Saboted Light Armor Penetrator ) round can perforate of FHA ( face-hardened steel plate ) at, at, and at.
  4. The primary purpose of these munitions is armor penetration, but unlike SLAP rounds ( saboted light armor penetrator ) which get their armor-piercing ability from the propulsion of a 7.62mm tungsten heavy alloy bullet from a 12.7mm barrel ( . 50 caliber ) using a sabot with much more energy than is usually possible from a 7.62mm round, HEIAP munitions use high explosives to " blast a path " for the penetrator.
  5. It's difficult to find saboted light armor penetrator in a sentence. 用saboted light armor penetrator造句挺难的


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